10 years ago Kyo-to-to was born with the brand ethos of
“Departing from Kyoto via Tokyo – to the World”
A decade of learning and evolving with the environment surrounding the embroidery technology, process and equally important the design that is changing rapidly.
In the coming weeks we will announce a commemorative product line as a culmination of Kyo-to-to, A homage to 10 years, And 10 special works where born.
Please stay tuned.
刺しゅうの技術や機械、 とりまく環境も日々めまぐるしく変化するなか、 10年の節目を迎え、 京東都の集大成として記念商品を発表いたします。 日本の名作美術を様々な刺しゅうの手法を使いオマージュ。 十年と10作品で生まれる特別なアイテムが誕生します。 どうぞお楽しみに。